Facial & Hand Fillers

Facial & Hand Fillers

Facial & Hand Fillers

Dermal fillers are incredible tools that allow us to restore lost volume, re-contour facial features, and lift the face into a more youthful position. 

By utilizing a combination of Restylane, RHA, Versa, and Radiesse, we can achieve remarkable results, creating a sculpted, rejuvenated appearance.

Facial Aging

As we all age the face volume diminishes with loss of the underlying fat, muscle and bone which results in alterations in the face contour.

Volume loss leaves the face hollow, concave and sunken with folds of skin hanging along the sides of the mouth & the neck. The deep indentations below the eyes are attributable to this loss of volume.

Fillers: Radiesse, RHA, Restylane & Versa

  • Replaces volume loss
  • Contours: Face, Neck, Lips, Jawline, Forehead, Mouth & Hands
  • Compatible with your skin
  • Stimulates Collagen

Natural rejuvenation requires precise evaluation of the face & neck followed by choosing the ideal procedures that will afford each patient a refreshed and natural glow.

Using a combination of products: facial fillers along with PDO Threads and the Endolift Laser address the hollows; depressions are lifted, refilled, supported and contoured.

The cheek mounds are elevated, jawline and jowls are smoothed, the folds of skin near the mouth and neck are re-supported. Artistic face & neck sculpting is crucial for natural results.

Where are Facial Fillers Placed?

  • Lip volume
  •  Lip lines
  • Jawline contouring
  • Kiss lines
  • Chin smoker’s lines
  • Mouth to nose lines
  • Laugh lines
  • Corners of the mouth


One of the major categories of fillers we use is Radiesse, a calcium-based product that effectively supports and lifts deeper tissues. Placing Radiesse deep beneath the skin corrects volume loss and encourages the production of collagen, enhancing skin quality and overall appearance.

Benefits of Radiesse include increased volume for hollow cheeks, enhanced jawline, smoothed chin wrinkles, defined cheekbones, and continued anti-aging benefits through increased collagen production. 

The natural calcium-based formula is eventually absorbed by the body, replaced with your own collagen for a pleasing and lasting effect.

Hand Rejuvenation

For those seeking hand rejuvenation, Radiesse is an excellent choice. It fills hollows, smoothes the skin, and covers unsightly vessels on the back of the hands providing a renewed and revitalized appearance. 

The procedure is virtually painless with minimal downtime, offering immediate results that make your hands vibrant and ready to be shown off.

Hyaluronic Acids

Another essential category of fillers is Hyaluronic Acids (HA), which is a naturally existing sugar component of the skin that contribute to suppleness and fullness by preventing loss of water. 

HA fillers like Restylane, Kysse, Defyne, Refyne, and Contour are used to treat facial wrinkles, including nasolabial folds and smile lines. They are also excellent for enhancing & contouring both upper and lower lips to give you the perfect pout.

In my practice, I also offer RHA fillers from Europe, which are FDA-approved and unique in their ability to seamlessly merge with your skin, providing natural-looking results and flexibility of movement.

Revanesse Versa is another incredible dermal filler in our arsenal, specifically designed for soft tissue filling. This versatile treatment effectively fills facial lines and enhances lip volume, leaving you with a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Benefits of Facial Fillers:
Hyaluronic Acids & Radiesse

  • Re-fills lost volume of the face, neck & jawline
  • Erases lip lines
  • Smooths folds: Facial Creases, Naso-labial, Chin, Crow’s Feet
  • Contours & Re-shapes Upper & Lower Lips
  • Soften depressions under the lids
  • Lift cheeks and re-shape lost contour
  • Rejuvenates & Refreshes the Face in a manner that is Natural looking

Dr. Rosenthal sculpts the face, neck and hands using dermal fillers to create artistic, natural-looking results that leave my patients feeling joyful & confident in their rejuvenated appearance. 

Fillers-PDO Threads- Endolift Laser or a Facelift?

  • Instantaneous results
  • Very litter down-time
  • No surgical scars
  • Minimal potential risks
  • Does not impact upon life-style
  • Combination: Endolift Laser, Fillers, PDO Threads - Lift, Contour & Stimulate collagen
  • Results continue to improve 

Whether it's lip volume, jawline contouring, chin creases, or flattened cheeks, Dr. Rosenthal is here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

We look forward to your scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rosenthal.

Let's embark on a journey to unlock your youthful radiance.

Please call 203-335-3223 to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Rosenthal.


“I went to see Dr. Rosenthal not really knowing what I needed, but knowing I needed something. My face was looking drawn, which I felt, made me look so much older. Dr. Rosenthal explained it was volume I was losing and missing. He suggested Radiesse. We did two treatments of Radiesse, filling my cheeks with the volume I had lost. Not only did it give me back my youthful cheeks it gave a lift to my entire face! I’m so thrilled. The results are natural and it was a one-hour appointment where I left with immediate results. I’m thrilled!!”
Lorie M.

“After Dr. Rosenthal did my Radiesse treatments in my mid face, I now look rested and my entire face has been lifted. I walked into his office looking tired and drawn and left with added volume to my cheeks and face and felt so much better about myself. Talk about an uplifting experience. I look my best and am so proud of my appearance!”
Karen L.

“Thank you so much for the artistic work that you so carefully applied to my face. It’s natural, beautiful, and I do love it.”


“I am so happy for this new dimension in my life. There is energy and lightness, fun and satisfaction coming from this transformation. Thank you for guiding assisting, and completing this most interesting process. I remain a believer in your artistry and skill—yet amazed by it.”


“Great bedside manners, Dr Rosenthal’s work is very natural, for sure he is a true artist. Restylane & Radiesse are what he has recommended for loss of volume on the cheeks and the results are spectacular. He listens to your desires and he is very realistic in keeping your natural contours without changing you… I think most of us want to look like our younger selves and not like someone else. He is very mindful of that”.


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Please schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Rosenthal and discover how you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Rosenthal will individualize your care & guide you towards a more confident and radiant you. 

We look forward to hearing from you!