
Voted Best & Top Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County & Connecticut

There’s an art when it comes to making someone’s face look better, but not different. I came to Jeffrey wanting to take the “tired” out of my face, not necessarily look younger or plastic, and he did just that with careful consideration before he started. — Judy Goss, Founder and CEO, Over40Females

Jeffrey Rosenthal MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon l Former, Chief Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital

140 Sherman Street, Fairfield, CT 06824
Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center

"Where Art Meets Science"

Advice To A Plastic Surgeon Entering The Field

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Advice To A Plastic Surgeon – By Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal

rrePlastic Surgery training is arduous, demanding and leaves little room for much else.  But to excel as a plastic surgeon, one must nurture outside interests, expand your mind and body beyond what you must learn to be a plastic surgeon.

Be aware of the world, just do not exist in it. Visit museums often and look closely at the paintings. View the brush strokes and layers of paint and how the artist manipulates all aspects of his art to create a breath-taking paining. Train your eye to see in minute detail and your hands to be precise.

Keep you body toned and fit with exercise and eating well. The mind and body are woven into one; hence, care for one and the other will respond when you need it.

Constantly expand your horizons of knowledge. Keep an open mind that questions, rationalizes and determines what the best path is for you and your patients. Learn from other professions, as the totality of what you know will serve you.  Keep a narrow path, in regard to morals and ethics.

Find a niche in plastic surgery that suites your temperament and creativity. Do not try to be all things to everyone or know all procedures. Keep a general fund of knowledge in all spheres of life. Plastic surgery is the melding of art and science. You must always bring the two realms together if you are to succeed as a plastic surgeon and physician.

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