
Voted Best & Top Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County & Connecticut

I confided to my long-time Manhattan make-up artist that I had had my eyes done. She has seen it all and was amazed at the natural and beautiful job Dr. Rosenthal did. You are truly an artist and the best plastic surgeon. — MG

Jeffrey Rosenthal MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon l Former, Chief Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital

140 Sherman Street, Fairfield, CT 06824
Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center

"Where Art Meets Science"

Creativity – The Essence of Life

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Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal is an International Artist who has exhibited multiple times in France; Manhattan, New York; Fairfield University, Westport, Stamford and the Discovery Museum in Connecticut.

Dr. Rosenthal was the premier artist to exhibit his paintings and photographs at The Discovery Museum. His talents are – diverse: sculpting; in stone, metal, wood. As well as an innovative painter, visually expressive photographer, eclectic poet and imaginative writer of children’s books. He is an accomplished Plastic Surgeon who has lectured internationally; his combination of Art & Cosmetic Surgery has been discussed in all media formats. Dr. Rosenthal is the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital and a Plastic Society Board Member. He resides in Fairfield, Connecticut and practices cosmetic surgery in Fairfield and Greenwich, Connecticut as well as in New York.

Dr. Rosenthal’s Philosophy:
This art show is a celebration of life and all the various nuances that give meaning to the newly formed day. I never attempt to copy nature in all its splendor; rather sights, textures and images, which lie but a hairs breath from our finger tips, have been harvested into an eclectic array of painting.

Being a self-taught artist has many advantages. The normal constraints that shackle and bind the imagination are not in place. Artistic freedom is experiencing the entire process from start to finish. A glimmer of light enters my conscious mind, energizes a thought, resulting in the transformation of a small ray of sunshine into a work of art.

Mixing a rainbow of colors to create a vibrant bouquet that thrills the eye and soul is allowable and most desirable. Some of the paintings you will peruse are fashioned with leaves, flower petals, stems, rocks, strings or items that were found on the day of my sojourn. Some paintings spontaneously flow from my touch until they become an integral component of the canvas. Nature and the pure essence of imagination play an important role in my art. There is a beginning to the artistic process but never a definitive end to creativity. The possibilities that lay ahead are boundless.

Techniques seem to blossom from each new endeavor until they solidify and become clearer with the passage of time, and commences as a nascent thought, expanding wildly, until it bursts into the realm of reality.

How does the visionary mind of a Plastic Surgeon find its way into an art gallery? There can be no higher form of art than to work on the human body. Each face is uniquely sculpted and relies upon visual and creative skills that rejuvenate and yet, maintain each individual’s personal identity.

One must harness similar powers of thought and conceptualization when sculpting a face on a beautiful organic soul or when creating a facsimile of life in a painting, clay, stone or wood.

The eyes must see subtle variations in contour. The hands are taught to execute the wishes of the mind. An artistic vision is an integral component of all that I touch. To this end, the shear exhilaration of the end result engenders a delight that makes my dedication worthwhile.

There is pure joy in creating; whether it is an original thought, a flowing poem or a new artistic endeavor. Art is a boundless thought process, from the moment an idea enters my conscious mind, until it has become a tangible object
d’art. If it could be imagined, then I know it could be accomplished, perhaps not this day or the next, but surely tomorrow. Limitations of our perceived reality should not shackle or bind our ideation.

I am hopeful that you will be inspired by my art, motivated to imagine the unimaginable and find that this fragment of gleeful essence will be so nurtured that some day you too, will feel the joy of following your dream.

Jeffrey Rosenthal, M.D.

To read more about Dr. Rosenthal

Please Donate in Honor of Rohina Bhandari who recently left us. She loved animals and adored art.

Discovery Museum &
U.S. Friends of Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre, Inc. dedicated to the conservation of wildlife. This South African Reserve Protects and Nurtures Injured Animals of the Wild

U.S. Friends of Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre, Inc. c/o Heidi Roberts 480 Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10022-1613

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Art of Plastic Surgery Fairfield CT