
Voted Best & Top Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County & Connecticut

With my new youthful look, I feel like you’ve given me a fighting chance to go out there and somehow, someday get it done! I will be forever grateful.” — MG

Jeffrey Rosenthal MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon l Former, Chief Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital

140 Sherman Street, Fairfield, CT 06824
Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center

"Where Art Meets Science"

Teen patients require extra attention to detail
in consent, screening to avoid problems-
Expect younger patients to have limited focus, overlook details of risk

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Practice advisor

Major benefits possible for teen patients
Jeffrey Rosenthal, MD, chief of plastic surgery at Bridgeport
(CT) Hospital, has worked with many teenagers and
young adults and agrees that these patients can be limited in
their ability to focus, their willingness to discuss body image,
and their comprehension of the important issues involved. “I
have to drag information out of them more,” he says. “Some
are very willing to talk about it, but some are quite sensitive
about their body image and not comfortable talking about it
with a stranger. They tend not to be as expressive as adults.
You have to be very concerned with how you approach them,
what you say to them, how you touch them.”

Rosenthal also sends some patients to an adolescent psychologist
before approving the procedure to make sure
they understand the pros and cons of the surgery.
Clearly, some common cosmetic enhancements on young
patients are inappropriate, Rosenthal says. Providing Botox
or fillers for a teenager would be “reprehensible,” he adds.
However, he also notes that some cosmetic improvements
can have a significant positive effect on young people.
“I’ve done rhinoplasty on young men and women
and then had their parents come back and tell me that the
child is more confident, their schoolwork is better, they’re
just radically transformed,” he says. “I’ve also had young
people who had to stop smoking and drinking before surgery,
and then they never started up again. They saw that
they could stop.”

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