
Voted Best & Top Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County & Connecticut

“It is amazing! My turkey neck is gone. I’m going to throw away my turtleneck sweaters. Why hide this neck?”

Jeffrey Rosenthal MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon l Former, Chief Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital

140 Sherman Street, Fairfield, CT 06824
Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center

"Where Art Meets Science"

Build your personal beauty from the inside out

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Demeanor, Attitude and Posture are but a few of the building blocks that enhance your personal glow.

Who among us, after 40 or before, has not had conflict, a loss or disappointment? I wish we could all raise our hands and say I am free, but few hands will rise to this occasion.

Looking at an issue from only one perspective is doomed to fail. My wise dad explained to his three children, “that there are three views on most situations: mine, yours and the truth”.
Personally, I enjoy the perspective that I need to understand more than less and believe that if I can get around a topic then it is easier to digest. Do not get the wrong idea; understanding is only part of the acceptance sequence.

Consider octogenarians who were queered about their longevity. It turned out to not be related to the yogurt commercials, exercise or a pet. Although, these all were ingredients in there long lives, perhaps minus the yogurt. The real key was flexibility and letting things go. This is so difficult to do and easier said. But knowing what the problem is allows us to someday address it.
Why let it go, if possible? When we stressed our adrenals, those walnut shaped objects atop our kidneys produce an abundance of cortisone. We need some to maintain blood pressure and other bodily functions; however, drown in it and we wear our bodies down from within. Talk about aging from the inside out. P.S. exercise assists in using up the excess cortisol. You maintain body conditioning and keep a positive equilibrium.

Do you enjoy being around grumpy individuals? I do not. How about those that smile, laugh and have a radiant glow. Think of how you feel. Do you melt at the site of a newborn smile, blush at your loves warmth or melt from within when viewing a heartfelt act of giving.
I am an observer of human nature and faces. Yes, I like to look at faces. What I see is that those who are happier, smile more and show a positive demeanor, age better. Gravity pulls everything down so why help it with a frown. Give yourself a complimentary lift with a smile. No one wants downward lines. Lips that rise to the sky are so much more attractive as is the individual.
Use or lose it is an aphorism that is banished about; yet, how we stand, hold ourselves and move allows the body to be down trodden or up and positive. Ballet dancers know that posture is critical to not only how they appear but how there bodies work. The man who was crooked, walked a crooked mile with a crooked cane took much longer to get to his destination.

Today let the sunshine wash over you. Close your eyes and see the brightness of life engulf you. Smile often, tell or listen to a joke. If it is good send it to me, as I love to tell jokes and laugh.

Stand as if a string is pulling you from the heavens above, not dragging you to the depths below.
Beauty commences from within and radiates outward.
You alone choose your future.

Oh, yes, my poem. Poetry and art free my mind and let my soul fly.

Warm regards, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, M.D.

Be prepared for the Poem. We all encounter stresses of life and; hopefully, will rise like a Phoenix to overcome and be joyful.

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